In lack of protection and refunding, today, we are FREE !
The Sunville's Empire shall be free !
Hail the Emperor, the Motherland, and the Independence of South Sunville under The Great Sunville's Empire !
We will keep South Sunville as a refund for all the suffering that The Undead Horde did not refund us for !
Any act of attack from our neighbors will be taken seriously !
And this land is now OURS !
Brave people of old Sunville, join the Emperor in his marvelous march on the enemies of the Motherland !
Our flag, is now this :
For the Kaiser, for the Emperor, pour l'Empereur ! So is our motto, and it shall live as long our mother country will ! Our enemies, we will destroy ! In the name of Freedom !
Hail The Kaiseremperor Elias I !
We are peaceful, not in status, but in state of mind.
As the mankind deserves freedom and independence, so on the Empire will !
Enemies ! You are much !
That is why instead of fighting, I would instead like to deal with you and trade !
If a problem there is , please contact the Emperor via PM.
Hail the Emperor ! Long live to Elias I !
People, brave people, feel free to join and to fight !
We will accept anyone who will promise to stay free and to give honesty and faith to the Emperor !
Subscribe down there !
This was a message from the leader of the New Great Empire of South Sunville, Elias I.