Code: Select all
*SPEC* Raz_xD : alper
*SPEC* Marshmallow Man : Nico seni çaprazlama sikerim oç
[SM] G--- MAN wants to rock the vote. (5 votes, 9 required)
*SPEC* G--- MAN : rtv
Chat Sounds Remaining: 10
*SPEC* Raz_xD : y u so mad?
*SPEC* -[SaD]- Nico : y
florinel2022 : RTV
Please donate by typing !donate to see the extra stuff you get or go to
*SPEC* STOP THIS {A-A} : lol?
[SM] STOP THIS {A-A} wants to rock the vote. (6 votes, 9 required)
*SPEC* STOP THIS {A-A} : rtv
*SPEC* [GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : where are you from g---man?
florinel2022 suicided.
-[DR]- florinel2022 has failed!
*SPEC* The Best Troll : !TOP100
*SPEC* [GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : g--man ?
*SPEC* [GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : from?
*SPEC* Raz_xD : marshmallow man
TTA95 suicided.
-[DR]- TTA95 has failed!
*SPEC* Marshmallow Man : Yes
Server Website:
PanDorsz {A-A} suicided.
-[DR]- PanDorsz {A-A} has failed!
*SPEC* Raz_xD : y u so mad?
*SPEC* [GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : alper afk
*SPEC* -[SaD]- Nico : probably cause he sucks
[GR] lnsîdéx3™ {0wn3d.} : :3
[BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} : :3
*SPEC* Marshmallow Man : Steve ananı avradını sikerim oç
[BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} : free :)
Join the forums at
Alper506 : sorry
*SPEC* [GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : !top100
Alper506 suicided.
-[DR]- Alper506 has failed!
[GR] lnsîdéx3™ {0wn3d.} suicided.
-[DR]- [GR] lnsîdéx3™ {0wn3d.} has failed!
[GR] lnsîdéx3™ {0wn3d.} : rofl
[BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} suicided.
-[DR]- [BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} has failed!
*SPEC* Alper506 : Nico, your mother is also good at sucking you right lol
*SPEC* Marshmallow Man : :D
Game will restart in 5 SECONDS
-[DR]- Press <ESCAPE> to choose a team.
-[DR]- Scoring Enabled: Round Start!
*SPEC* Raz_xD : alper
Bad sequence (4095 out of 109 max) in GetSequenceLinearMotion() for model 'Humans\Group03\male_02.mdl'!
Bad sequence (4095 out of 109 max) in GetSequenceLinearMotion() for model 'Humans\Group03\male_02.mdl'!
Bad sequence (4095 out of 109 max) in GetSequenceLinearMotion() for model 'Humans\Group03\male_02.mdl'!
Bad sequence (4095 out of 109 max) in GetSequenceLinearMotion() for model 'Humans\Group03\male_02.mdl'!
Bad sequence (4095 out of 109 max) in GetSequenceLinearMotion() for model 'Humans\Group03\male_02.mdl'!
Bad sequence (4095 out of 109 max) in GetSequenceLinearMotion() for model 'Humans\Group03\male_02.mdl'!
Bad sequence (4095 out of 109 max) in GetSequenceLinearMotion() for model 'Humans\Group03\male_02.mdl'!
Bad sequence (4095 out of 109 max) in GetSequenceLinearMotion() for model 'Humans\Group03\male_02.mdl'!
Bad sequence (4095 out of 109 max) in GetSequenceLinearMotion() for model 'Humans\Group03\male_02.mdl'!
Marshmallow Man suicided.
-[DR]- Marshmallow Man has failed!
Alper506 : ne var lan
» ŢĬƩ » suicided.
-[DR]- » ŢĬƩ » has failed!
Join the Cheat/Build Server at
*SPEC* Raz_xD : you can get banned for that.
-[SaD]- Nico : atleast im not the most epic fail on this server
*SPEC* » ŢĬƩ » : LOL
Admins online are: [GR]Cpt. Travis
*SPEC* Raz_xD : /admins
[GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : smartphone give me free? i dont kill you?
Alper506 : not you, but your mom
-[SaD]- Nico suicided.
-[DR]- -[SaD]- Nico has failed!
Alper506 suicided.
-[DR]- Alper506 has failed!
*SPEC* -[SaD]- Nico : lul
The Best Troll suicided.
-[DR]- The Best Troll has failed!
*SPEC* -[SaD]- Nico : y u so mad tho
TTA95 suicided.
-[DR]- TTA95 has failed!
AYA´s Smartphone <3 : aya i listening musik
To listen to music, type: !music or !stopmusic to stop listening.
*SPEC* Marshmallow Man : Niconun götü kocaman kocaman kocamaan
*SPEC* -[SaD]- Nico : is it because you got no future?
[BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} : ah ok phone xD
*SPEC* Raz_xD : admin
[GR] lnsîdéx3™ {0wn3d.} suicided.
-[DR]- [GR] lnsîdéx3™ {0wn3d.} has failed!
*SPEC* Raz_xD : no admin
florinel2022 suicided.
-[DR]- florinel2022 has failed!
StefanLawl :3 suicided.
-[DR]- StefanLawl :3 has failed!
*SPEC* Raz_xD : lol
*SPEC* Alper506 : my futur
[GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} suicided.
-[DR]- [GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} has failed!
StefanLawl :3 : q_q
Admins online are: [GR]Cpt. Travis
StefanLawl :3 : !admins
[GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : lolz
STOP THIS {A-A} : lols
To disable/enable chat sounds, type: !sounds_off or !sounds_on.
*SPEC* Alper506 : well
*SPEC* Raz_xD : herpderp
*SPEC* -[SaD]- Nico : *future
*SPEC* Raz_xD : btw
*SPEC* Marshmallow Man : Steve babanı koala siksin . :D
*SPEC* Raz_xD : hai stefan :3
*SPEC* Alper506 : ahahahah
STOP THIS {A-A} suicided.
-[DR]- STOP THIS {A-A} has failed!
*SPEC* [GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : english?
Sanji16 connected
PanDorsz {A-A} suicided.
-[DR]- PanDorsz {A-A} has failed!
*SPEC* -[SaD]- Nico : mhm
*SPEC* [GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : g-----man di
*SPEC* [GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : die
*SPEC* -[SaD]- Nico : not talking english is also a valid ban reason i think
*SPEC* Marshmallow Man : Your father fucking koalo
*SPEC* [GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : omg g----man go die!
*SPEC* Alper506 : o ne lan ahah
*SPEC* Sanji16 : votekick
*SPEC* StefanLawl :3 : votekick
[BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} : afk
[BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} : votekick
*SPEC* [GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : die if you cant make it
Sanji16 voted to kick G--- MAN
Votes required 1/11
StefanLawl :3 voted to kick G--- MAN
Votes required 2/11
Type rtv in chat to start a vote to change the map.
*SPEC* [GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : lags
[BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} voted to kick G--- MAN
Votes required 3/11
*SPEC* Sanji16 : go
Prototype connected
*SPEC* [GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : go die g--man
G--- MAN suicided.
-[DR]- G--- MAN has failed!
*SPEC* PanDorsz {A-A} : cmon g---man
[BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} suicided.
-[DR]- [BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} has failed!
*SPEC* PanDorsz {A-A} : lol
[BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} : xD
*SPEC* Sanji16 : !NOMINATE
Game will restart in 5 SECONDS
*SPEC* Prototype : hey every1 :3
-[DR]- Press <ESCAPE> to choose a team.
-[DR]- Scoring Enabled: Round Start!
[BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} : Hi Proto :D
The Best Troll suicided.
-[DR]- The Best Troll has failed!
-[SaD]- Nico : hey.
Prototype : aya :3
Type nominate in chat to add a map to the next rtv vote.
[BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} : :3
Alper506 : where is your god now lol
[GR] lnsîdéx3™ {0wn3d.} suicided.
-[DR]- [GR] lnsîdéx3™ {0wn3d.} has failed!
Inkognito {A-A} connected
Sanji16 suicided.
-[DR]- Sanji16 has failed!
STOP THIS {A-A} suicided.
-[DR]- STOP THIS {A-A} has failed!
[GR] lnsîdéx3™ {0wn3d.} : well lol
*SPEC* Raz_xD : im not religios
*SPEC* Raz_xD : religious
*SPEC* [GR] lnsîdéx3™ {0wn3d.} : :D
florinel2022 suicided.
-[DR]- florinel2022 has failed!
[BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} : :D
-[SaD]- Nico : thought youre fanatic muslim
» ŢĬƩ » suicided.
-[DR]- » ŢĬƩ » has failed!
Server Chat Commands: !admins, !stats, !top10, !top100, !rules, votekick, voteban, votemute.
*SPEC* Raz_xD : suck it faggot
TTA95 suicided.
-[DR]- TTA95 has failed!
PanDorsz {A-A} suicided.
-[DR]- PanDorsz {A-A} has failed!
Alper506 : no im an atheist
-[SaD]- Nico suicided.
-[DR]- -[SaD]- Nico has failed!
-[SaD]- Nico : awz
[GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} suicided.
-[DR]- [GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} has failed!
[GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : omfg
G--- MAN suicided.
-[DR]- G--- MAN has failed!
*SPEC* -[SaD]- Nico : so youre not like ALLAH AKBAR
*SPEC* Raz_xD : retard*
Alper506 : lol no
gator_rules connected
*SPEC* -[SaD]- Nico : and then you kill yourself?
AYA´s Smartphone <3 : xD steve
*SPEC* [GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : smartphone give me free?
*SPEC* -[SaD]- Nico : why not?
Prototype : :3
Alper506 suicided.
-[DR]- Alper506 has failed!
*SPEC* [GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : i dont kill you smart
*SPEC* -[SaD]- Nico : it'd help us
[BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} : :3
Please donate by typing !donate to see the extra stuff you get or go to
*SPEC* STOP THIS {A-A} : omak
AYA´s Smartphone <3 : ?
Marshmallow Man suicided.
-[DR]- Marshmallow Man has failed!
*SPEC* [GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : aya´s smartphone me free? ok im the mushroom i dont kill you at the end
AYA´s Smartphone <3 : i dont unterstand why u dont kill me or when
*SPEC* gator_rules : when is ant or nick onlune
Server Website:
*SPEC* Raz_xD : stfu lol
*SPEC* Marshmallow Man : Nico
*SPEC* [GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : when i made the map
*SPEC* gator_rules : i need to confirm for donate
*SPEC* [GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : i go bhop and i wont kill you
*SPEC* -[SaD]- Nico : hm?
*SPEC* [GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : and you wont kill me
*SPEC* Marshmallow Man : yok bir şey . :D
*SPEC* [GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : but give me free pls smartphone
*SPEC* -[SaD]- Nico : go stefan go
*SPEC* [GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : votemute
Join the forums at
Prototype suicided.
-[DR]- Prototype has failed!
StefanLawl :3 : :3
[GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} voted to mute G--- MAN
Votes required 1/12
*SPEC* Raz_xD : lmao
AYA´s Smartphone <3 : kk next one
*SPEC* [GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : votemute pls
Prototype : ah so close
viva to the max {ツ} connected
*SPEC* Raz_xD : gman
*SPEC* Prototype : banana phone ? xD
StefanLawl :3 suicided.
-[DR]- StefanLawl :3 has failed!
*SPEC* Prototype : lol
*SPEC* Raz_xD : god fucking damnit
StefanLawl :3 : oh lol
*SPEC* Raz_xD : gman
*SPEC* viva to the max {ツ} : hey guys
*SPEC* Marshmallow Man : steve babanı bizim buradaki derede siksinler mi yes nı ?
Join the Cheat/Build Server at
*SPEC* StefanLawl :3 : didnt know that trap
Game will restart in 5 SECONDS
*SPEC* Marshmallow Man : *no
*SPEC* viva to the max {ツ} : hi aya :DD
*SPEC* Prototype : hehe stefan
-[DR]- Press <ESCAPE> to choose a team.
-[DR]- Scoring Enabled: Round Start!
[BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} : hi viva :D<3
G--- MAN suicided.
-[DR]- G--- MAN has failed!
-[SaD]- Nico : i dont know any trap
Sanji16 suicided.
-[DR]- Sanji16 has failed!
-[SaD]- Nico : >:l
Inkognito {A-A} : aya thanks for info
Alper506 suicided.
-[DR]- Alper506 has failed!
PanDorsz {A-A} suicided.
-[DR]- PanDorsz {A-A} has failed!
[GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : smartphone me free now ok?
TTA95 suicided.
-[DR]- TTA95 has failed!
To listen to music, type: !music or !stopmusic to stop listening.
AYA´s Smartphone <3 : yep
StefanLawl :3 : 50/50 chance xD
*SPEC* Raz_xD : faggot
» ŢĬƩ » suicided.
-[DR]- » ŢĬƩ » has failed!
StefanLawl :3 : LEEEROOOY
Inkognito {A-A} : aya
*SPEC* Raz_xD : no music
Inkognito {A-A} : aya!!!
-[SaD]- Nico : afsd
-[SaD]- Nico suicided.
-[DR]- -[SaD]- Nico has failed!
StefanLawl :3 : damn
StefanLawl :3 suicided.
-[DR]- StefanLawl :3 has failed!
*SPEC* Raz_xD : *rage*
StefanLawl :3 : xD
StefanLawl :3 : xD
The Best Troll suicided.
-[DR]- The Best Troll has failed!
*SPEC* StefanLawl :3 : hahah xD
*SPEC* StefanLawl :3 : brb
To disable/enable chat sounds, type: !sounds_off or !sounds_on.
florinel2022 suicided.
-[DR]- florinel2022 has failed!
*SPEC* The Best Troll : !top100
viva to the max {ツ} : me pls
Prototype : :3 :D
[BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} : :3
[GR] lnsîdéx3™ {0wn3d.} suicided.
-[DR]- [GR] lnsîdéx3™ {0wn3d.} has failed!
|cS| Aya's Cute and Tiny Parrot connected
[BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} : what?
gator_rules : oops
Inkognito {A-A} : aya loves naruto can you ans me?
*SPEC* |cS| Aya's Cute and Tiny Parrot : !switch
gator_rules : !models
*SPEC* |cS| Aya's Cute and Tiny Parrot : hi aya
[BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} : hi :D
[BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} : Yes i am answering
*SPEC* |cS| Aya's Cute and Tiny Parrot : x3
Inkognito {A-A} : ok
[BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} : you dont hear me?
Alper506 connected
Inkognito {A-A} : nope
Type rtv in chat to start a vote to change the map.
[SM] Alper506 wants to rock the vote. (6 votes, 13 required)
*SPEC* Alper506 : rtv
Inkognito {A-A} : coz my vol is 0
[BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} : ok and?
Шарик :D suicided.
-[DR]- Шарик :D has failed!
Marshmallow Man : rtv
*SPEC* Alper506 : damn
*SPEC* [GR] lnsîdéx3™ {0wn3d.} : Dr. Killer : "Thanks for Info :D"
Inkognito {A-A} : thanks for info of fake pic
viva to the max {ツ} : stop u got this
*SPEC* |cS| Aya's Cute and Tiny Parrot : wheres naruto
gator_rules : gman stop plz
Type nominate in chat to add a map to the next rtv vote.
*SPEC* Raz_xD : not answering his steam
*SPEC* Raz_xD : so idk
Prototype suicided.
-[DR]- Prototype has failed!
[BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} : np i just cannot accept "she"lied to my friend
AYA´s Smartphone <3 : lol ?
gator_rules suicided.
-[DR]- gator_rules has failed!
*SPEC* gator_rules : oops
Marshmallow Man suicided.
-[DR]- Marshmallow Man has failed!
*SPEC* [GR] lnsîdéx3™ {0wn3d.} : Inkognito: "Thanks for Info Aya"
*SPEC* gator_rules : votemute
Inkognito {A-A} : "she"
viva to the max {ツ} : ahahahhahahahahah
Inkognito {A-A} : xD
gator_rules voted to mute G--- MAN
Votes required 2/14
Server Chat Commands: !admins, !stats, !top10, !top100, !rules, votekick, voteban, votemute.
[GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : hi :D
[BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} : Its "she" right? xD
AYA´s Smartphone <3 : hey
*SPEC* |cS| Aya's Cute and Tiny Parrot : who rly cares about the music
Inkognito {A-A} : we cant know
*SPEC* PanDorsz {A-A} : votemute
viva to the max {ツ} : me pls
Inkognito {A-A} : ^^
PanDorsz {A-A} voted to mute G--- MAN
Votes required 3/14
*SPEC* gator_rules : jackass
*SPEC* gator_rules : how did you get there
[BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} : its shemale :)
Inkognito {A-A} : lol
Inkognito {A-A} : a fusion
Please donate by typing !donate to see the extra stuff you get or go to
[BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} : yup
*SPEC* gator_rules : ???????
[BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} : Gio
STOP THIS {A-A} : wait me
Inkognito {A-A} : ye?
[GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : aya
[GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : they are coming
[BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} : Stop troll on me plz? Gio
Inkognito {A-A} : ....
[BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} : I dont
[BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} : Im not
Server Website:
*SPEC* -[SaD]- Nico : 2manyfags
viva to the max {ツ} : i not going to kill aya
*SPEC* Raz_xD : ye
[BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} : :D
[BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} : kk viva
viva to the max {ツ} : :)
Join the forums at
AYA´s Smartphone <3 killed Inkognito {A-A} with crowbar.
-[DR]- Inkognito {A-A} has failed!
*SPEC* Raz_xD : wtf is this stupid anti-admins bullshit
Up next, possibly two of the most entertaining morons I've ever met.
Code: Select all
*SPEC* Raz_xD : are you 5?
*SPEC* gator_rules : owned
*SPEC* Inkognito {A-A} : raz fyuck utr mother
*SPEC* Inkognito {A-A} : nigger
AYA´s Smartphone <3 : 25
*SPEC* Inkognito {A-A} : raz u suck
*SPEC* Alper506 : !sounds_off
STOP THIS {A-A} killed AYA´s Smartphone <3 with crowbar.
-[DR]- AYA´s Smartphone <3 has failed!
[GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : next time i go knife
*SPEC* Inkognito {A-A} : next time bhop
Join the Cheat/Build Server at
[GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : bhop
*SPEC* Inkognito {A-A} : please
*SPEC* Alper506 : next time awp
[GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : i mean
*SPEC* PanDorsz {A-A} : g---man stop
[BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} killed STOP THIS {A-A} with crowbar.
-[DR]- STOP THIS {A-A} has failed!
*SPEC* Raz_xD : did i hurt your feelings?
*SPEC* |cS| Aya's Cute and Tiny Parrot : x3
STOP THIS {A-A} : sssssssssssssssssssss
*SPEC* Raz_xD : go QQ
*SPEC* gator_rules : lol
*SPEC* STOP THIS {A-A} : gman stfu
viva to the max {ツ} : ty aya :)
To listen to music, type: !music or !stopmusic to stop listening.
*SPEC* Sanji16 : GO
*SPEC* Inkognito {A-A} : raz dont insult a-a or we troll you in mass
[BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} suicided.
-[DR]- [BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} has failed!
*SPEC* [BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} : :D
viva to the max {ツ} : ahahahahahhaahah ^^
*SPEC* |cS| Aya's Cute and Tiny Parrot : 3x
*SPEC* Alper506 : rtv
Game will restart in 5 SECONDS
viva to the max {ツ} suicided.
-[DR]- viva to the max {ツ} has failed!
-[DR]- Press <ESCAPE> to choose a team.
-[DR]- Scoring Enabled: Round Start!
*SPEC* Raz_xD : you 'troll' me
AYA´s Smartphone <3 : aya u presst the 3 onr
To disable/enable chat sounds, type: !sounds_off or !sounds_on.
TTA95 suicided.
-[DR]- TTA95 has failed!
*SPEC* Raz_xD : does this mean 'whine'?
*SPEC* Raz_xD : you are 5.
florinel2022 suicided.
-[DR]- florinel2022 has failed!
PanDorsz {A-A} suicided.
-[DR]- PanDorsz {A-A} has failed!
[GR] lnsîdéx3™ {0wn3d.} suicided.
-[DR]- [GR] lnsîdéx3™ {0wn3d.} has failed!
STOP THIS {A-A} : raz stfu
*SPEC* Raz_xD : motherfucking news flash
*SPEC* Raz_xD : no
*SPEC* Raz_xD : what-cha gunna do
*SPEC* Raz_xD : bitch-ass
Шарик :D suicided.
-[DR]- Шарик :D has failed!
G--- MAN suicided.
-[DR]- G--- MAN has failed!
Alper506 suicided.
-[DR]- Alper506 has failed!
|cS| Aya's Cute and Tiny Parrot : xD
[BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} : Time to off to bed Bye all :D <3 cya tomorrow :3
STOP THIS {A-A} : kos omak
[GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : bye
|cS| Aya's Cute and Tiny Parrot : :(
Prototype : bb aya :3
*SPEC* Raz_xD : english
*SPEC* Raz_xD : faggot
|cS| Aya's Cute and Tiny Parrot : want a ride?
STOP THIS {A-A} : engilsh fe omak
[GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : bye aaya
Type rtv in chat to start a vote to change the map.
STOP THIS {A-A} : ya mnyook
[GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : <3
viva to the max {ツ} : press
[BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} : Bye Steve<33 parrot <33 Proto <33
*SPEC* Alper506 : İngilizcenin amnıa koyi
*SPEC* Alper506 : m
|cS| Aya's Cute and Tiny Parrot : here
|cS| Aya's Cute and Tiny Parrot suicided.
-[DR]- |cS| Aya's Cute and Tiny Parrot has failed!
[BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} : Bye insidex <3
Prototype : :3 :D
[GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : bye <3 :3
*SPEC* |cS| Aya's Cute and Tiny Parrot : bye <3
[BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} : Bye all :3
Marshmallow Man suicided.
-[DR]- Marshmallow Man has failed!
[BOG][GR]AyaLovesNaruto{0wn3d.} suicided.
*SPEC* Raz_xD : bai
Type nominate in chat to add a map to the next rtv vote.
*SPEC* |cS| Aya's Cute and Tiny Parrot : !switch
Inkognito {A-A} suicided.
-[DR]- Inkognito {A-A} has failed!
*SPEC* Alper506 : votekick
[GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : dont kill me
STOP THIS {A-A} : raz kos omak
Alper506 voted to kick » ŢĬƩ »
Votes required 1/13
StefanLawl :3 suicided.
-[DR]- StefanLawl :3 has failed!
viva to the max {ツ} suicided.
-[DR]- viva to the max {ツ} has failed!
viva to the max {ツ} : wtf
*SPEC* Alper506 : its afk
*SPEC* Raz_xD : 'naw
The Best Troll suicided.
-[DR]- The Best Troll has failed!
*SPEC* Alper506 : *he's
Chat Sounds Remaining: 5
*SPEC* Raz_xD : u mad?
Sanji16 suicided.
-[DR]- Sanji16 has failed!
gator_rules suicided.
-[DR]- gator_rules has failed!
AYA´s Smartphone <3 suicided.
-[DR]- AYA´s Smartphone <3 has failed!
The Best Troll connected
» ŢĬƩ » suicided.
-[DR]- » ŢĬƩ » has failed!
*SPEC* [GR] lnsîdéx3™ {0wn3d.} : xD
Server Chat Commands: !admins, !stats, !top10, !top100, !rules, votekick, voteban, votemute.
*SPEC* AYA´s Smartphone <3 : lol ?
[SM] gator_rules wants to rock the vote. (7 votes, 12 required)
*SPEC* gator_rules : rtv
Game will restart in 5 SECONDS
STOP THIS {A-A} suicided.
-[DR]- STOP THIS {A-A} has failed!
Prototype suicided.
-[DR]- Prototype has failed!
*SPEC* Шарик :D : lol
-[DR]- Press <ESCAPE> to choose a team.
-[DR]- Scoring Enabled: Round Start!
Alper506 : lol
Marshmallow Man suicided.
-[DR]- Marshmallow Man has failed!
Alper506 suicided.
-[DR]- Alper506 has failed!
viva to the max {ツ} suicided.
-[DR]- viva to the max {ツ} has failed!
Please donate by typing !donate to see the extra stuff you get or go to
Шарик :D suicided.
-[DR]- Шарик :D has failed!
TTA95 suicided.
-[DR]- TTA95 has failed!
*SPEC* Raz_xD : insulting me in turkshit is not 'trolling'
STOP THIS {A-A} suicided.
-[DR]- STOP THIS {A-A} has failed!
Sanji16 suicided.
-[DR]- Sanji16 has failed!
STOP THIS {A-A} : dammm
*SPEC* Raz_xD : learn the internet
[GR] lnsîdéx3™ {0wn3d.} suicided.
-[DR]- [GR] lnsîdéx3™ {0wn3d.} has failed!
[GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : !stats
|cS| Aya's Cute and Tiny Parrot suicided.
-[DR]- |cS| Aya's Cute and Tiny Parrot has failed!
*SPEC* Marshmallow Man : left right
» ŢĬƩ » suicided.
-[DR]- » ŢĬƩ » has failed!
[GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : g--man stop now!
*SPEC* Marshmallow Man : left right
Inkognito {A-A} suicided.
-[DR]- Inkognito {A-A} has failed!
Inkognito {A-A} : fu
Server Website:
*SPEC* Raz_xD : fu
G--- MAN : ok
*SPEC* Raz_xD : fu
florinel2022 suicided.
-[DR]- florinel2022 has failed!
*SPEC* Inkognito {A-A} : fu
*SPEC* Inkognito {A-A} : fu
*SPEC* Inkognito {A-A} : fu
*SPEC* Inkognito {A-A} : fu
*SPEC* Alper506 : fu
*SPEC* Alper506 : fu
*SPEC* Marshmallow Man : omg
*SPEC* Alper506 : fu
*SPEC* Raz_xD : 'naw
*SPEC* Alper506 : fu
Join the forums at
*SPEC* Alper506 : fu
*SPEC* Alper506 : fu
*SPEC* Raz_xD : how cute
*SPEC* Alper506 : fu
*SPEC* Alper506 : fu
*SPEC* Alper506 : fu
*SPEC* Marshmallow Man : fuhuş
*SPEC* Alper506 : fu
*SPEC* Alper506 : fu
*SPEC* Inkognito {A-A} : fu
*SPEC* Alper506 : amk muhti :D
*SPEC* Inkognito {A-A} : fu
*SPEC* Alper506 : fu
*SPEC* STOP THIS {A-A} : omak 7loh
*SPEC* Inkognito {A-A} : fu
*SPEC* Marshmallow Man : :D
*SPEC* Alper506 : fu
*SPEC* Inkognito {A-A} : fu
*SPEC* Alper506 : fu
*SPEC* Inkognito {A-A} : fu
*SPEC* Raz_xD : 4 screenshots of you spamming
StefanLawl :3 suicided.
-[DR]- StefanLawl :3 has failed!
*SPEC* Raz_xD : umad?
*SPEC* Alper506 : fu
StefanLawl :3 : xD
*SPEC* Alper506 : fu
*SPEC* Alper506 : fu
*SPEC* Alper506 : fu
*SPEC* Alper506 : fu
gator_rules suicided.
-[DR]- gator_rules has failed!
*SPEC* Alper506 : fu
*SPEC* Alper506 : fu
Join the Cheat/Build Server at
*SPEC* Marshmallow Man : fukara . :D
*SPEC* Alper506 : fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
*SPEC* Alper506 : sus sikerim
[GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : give me fre
*SPEC* STOP THIS {A-A} : raz yl3n ar5a
*SPEC* Inkognito {A-A} : kos omak
[GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : i dont kill
AYA´s Smartphone <3 : kk
Prototype suicided.
-[DR]- Prototype has failed!
*SPEC* Inkognito {A-A} : raz kos omak
*SPEC* Raz_xD : lean internetz
*SPEC* Alper506 : ya sus amk
*SPEC* Marshmallow Man : koş omak koş ş ile yazılır o . :D
To listen to music, type: !music or !stopmusic to stop listening.
G--- MAN suicided.
-[DR]- G--- MAN has failed!
*SPEC* Alper506 : Inkognito SHUT THE FUCK UP
*SPEC* Raz_xD : before it bans you
*SPEC* STOP THIS {A-A} : koyl3n omak
*SPEC* Inkognito {A-A} : aòèer suck my cock
|cS| CpT.BombSideQ<33™ connected
*SPEC* Inkognito {A-A} : arper
Admins online are: [GR]Cpt. Travis
*SPEC* Inkognito {A-A} : !admins
*SPEC* Raz_xD : cock?
[GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : troll dont kill!!!
*SPEC* Alper506 : lol
*SPEC* Alper506 : that guy is totally noob
*SPEC* Inkognito {A-A} : noob
*SPEC* Marshmallow Man : koy lan o bir kere koş koy
*SPEC* Raz_xD : you mean that spot on your head?
To disable/enable chat sounds, type: !sounds_off or !sounds_on.
*SPEC* Inkognito {A-A} : raz_noob
*SPEC* Alper506 : SHUT UP
*SPEC* STOP THIS {A-A} : hahhaha
*SPEC* Raz_xD : incocknito
*SPEC* Alper506 : lol raz
*SPEC* Inkognito {A-A} : alper go to sleep with ur mommy
*SPEC* STOP THIS {A-A} : ran_mnyok
*SPEC* G--- MAN : rtv
*SPEC* Raz_xD : lol
*SPEC* [GR] lnsîdéx3™ {0wn3d.} : Faster
*SPEC* Raz_xD : turning on each other
*SPEC* Alper506 : i had with yours already
*SPEC* Inkognito {A-A} : i fucked ur mother hard
Type rtv in chat to start a vote to change the map.
*SPEC* Alper506 : with your pussy ?
[GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : everyone
*SPEC* Inkognito {A-A} : coz u suck
[GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : come here
*SPEC* Inkognito {A-A} : kos omak alper
[GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : all middle
[GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : all here
*SPEC* |cS| CpT.BombSideQ<33™ : isindex you no owned noob
*SPEC* G--- MAN : nigga
[GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : come here
*SPEC* [GR] lnsîdéx3™ {0wn3d.} : ?
*SPEC* G--- MAN : niggadown
[GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : troll
*SPEC* Alper506 : Incocknito ananı sikerim
[GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : here
AYA´s Smartphone <3 : i do it
[GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : come on
*SPEC* G--- MAN : 9000
Type nominate in chat to add a map to the next rtv vote.
*SPEC* [GR] lnsîdéx3™ {0wn3d.} : what ?
*SPEC* Шарик :D : nigga
[GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} killed AYA´s Smartphone <3 with rpg_missile.
-[DR]- AYA´s Smartphone <3 has failed!
[GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} suicided.
-[DR]- [GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} has failed!
[GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : lol
*SPEC* Raz_xD : lol.
*SPEC* |cS| CpT.BombSideQ<33™ : you no ownet
*SPEC* gator_rules : haha
*SPEC* STOP THIS {A-A} : 7 hp
*SPEC* Шарик :D : lol
*SPEC* AYA´s Smartphone <3 : :D
*SPEC* [GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : you must stay troll
Game will restart in 5 SECONDS
(Spectator) G--- MAN : wtf
*SPEC* florinel2022 : nigga
*SPEC* G--- MAN : omg
Disconnect: AFK for 5 rounds.
Disconnect: AFK for 5 rounds.
] retry
Commencing connection retry to
Connecting to
Connected to
Map: deathrun_castlerun_v2_hl2
Players: 21 / 32
Build: 4749
Server Number: 7
No pure server whitelist. sv_pure = 0
-[DR]- Press <ESCAPE> to choose a team.
Raz_xD connected
You are on team Spectator
Redownloading all lightmaps
Sanji16 : rt
Server Chat Commands: !admins, !stats, !top10, !top100, !rules, votekick, voteban, votemute.
|cS| CpT.BombSideQ<33™ suicided.
-[DR]- |cS| CpT.BombSideQ<33™ has failed!
|cS| CpT.BombSideQ<33™ : wtf
[SM] Sanji16 wants to rock the vote. (8 votes, 12 required)
*SPEC* Sanji16 : rtv
Alper506 : rtv
*SPEC* Sanji16 : !nominate
|cS| Aya's Cute and Tiny Parrot connected
florinel2022 suicided.
-[DR]- florinel2022 has failed!
gator_rules suicided.
-[DR]- gator_rules has failed!
G--- MAN suicided.
-[DR]- G--- MAN has failed!
Alper506 suicided.
-[DR]- Alper506 has failed!
Alper506 : hell no
Please donate by typing !donate to see the extra stuff you get or go to
[SM] Sanji16 has nominated dr_devbackdown_fixed.
» ŢĬƩ » suicided.
-[DR]- » ŢĬƩ » has failed!
[GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} suicided.
-[DR]- [GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} has failed!
[GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : lol
StefanLawl :3 suicided.
-[DR]- StefanLawl :3 has failed!
StefanLawl :3 : omg
StefanLawl :3 : brb
*SPEC* [GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : lolz
*SPEC* Raz_xD : anti-admins is for 5 year olds.
*SPEC* Alper506 : rtv
Inkognito {A-A} suicided.
-[DR]- Inkognito {A-A} has failed!
*SPEC* Marshmallow Man : fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
*SPEC* Alper506 : rtv everyone please
*SPEC* [GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : through the elevator
*SPEC* Marshmallow Man : huuuuuuuuuuuşşşşşşşşş
*SPEC* Raz_xD : grow up.
*SPEC* Inkognito {A-A} : raz ur mother is a sucker
Server Website:
STOP THIS {A-A} : u go via
*SPEC* Inkognito {A-A} : voteban
viva to the max {ツ}<3 aya : nope
Inkognito {A-A} voted to ban Raz_xD
Votes required 1/12
*SPEC* Alper506 : voteban
*SPEC* Inkognito {A-A} : tua madre e una negra
*SPEC* Raz_xD : laugh my ass off.
Alper506 voted to ban Inkognito {A-A}
Votes required 1/12
*SPEC* Inkognito {A-A} : voteban
STOP THIS {A-A} : voteban
STOP THIS {A-A} voted to ban Raz_xD
Votes required 2/12
Inkognito {A-A} voted to ban Alper506
Votes required 1/12
*SPEC* Raz_xD : oh doe
*SPEC* Alper506 : voteban
Alper506 voted to ban STOP THIS {A-A}
Votes required 1/12
Join the forums at
*SPEC* Raz_xD : 2 people want to ban me
viva to the max {ツ}<3 aya : let the noobs go
STOP THIS {A-A} : voteban
LeftOverCrack connected
*SPEC* Inkognito {A-A} : alper stop masturbate on ur uncle thats desgusting
STOP THIS {A-A} voted to ban Alper506
Votes required 2/12
*SPEC* Raz_xD : for calling them 5
TTA95 suicided.
-[DR]- TTA95 has failed!
*SPEC* Marshmallow Man : inkognito senin var yaaa taa father fucker .
*SPEC* [GR] |JackAss><SteveØ| {D} : go!
*SPEC* Raz_xD : gocrysomewhereelseplz
*SPEC* Inkognito {A-A} : tua mamma sucka
[GR] lnsîdéx3™ {0wn3d.} suicided.
-[DR]- [GR] lnsîdéx3™ {0wn3d.} has failed!
*SPEC* Inkognito {A-A} : figli di troia kos omak
viva to the max {ツ}<3 aya suicided.
-[DR]- viva to the max {ツ}<3 aya has failed!
viva to the max {ツ}<3 aya : woosp
Join the Cheat/Build Server at
STOP THIS {A-A} : om om omak server
SDL connected
*SPEC* Inkognito {A-A} : yes
*SPEC* Marshmallow Man : senin sülanen sucks
*SPEC* Inkognito {A-A} : kos omak
*SPEC* Inkognito {A-A} : scopati tua mamma
*SPEC* Inkognito {A-A} : troione
Prototype suicided.
-[DR]- Prototype has failed!
*SPEC* Prototype : /items
*SPEC* Inkognito {A-A} : nessuno te la molla
*SPEC* Raz_xD : herp
STOP THIS {A-A} : hahahah
Шарик :D suicided.
-[DR]- Шарик :D has failed!
*SPEC* Alper506 : what a fucking discusting language
*SPEC* Marshmallow Man : koş omak koş akşam ezanı okunacak . :D
*SPEC* Alper506 : lol
To listen to music, type: !music or !stopmusic to stop listening.
*SPEC* Raz_xD : learn to speak english
|cS| WλRMEUP connected