I need to rage.

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I need to rage.

Post by cosmosgp1 »

Why the hell is it me that is always being hacked. Every time I connect to the server, I always end up in a different spot. First, I was moving in a current. Next, I was in spawn. And now, I'm underwater. If there's a way for Ant to make my password, then I would make him make my password.
I seriously need to rage. :evil:

BTW, if you need to contact me for any sort of reason (although I see no reason), add me as a contact on Skype. If you don't have a Skype, add me on Facebook. If you don't have a Facebook, then I have no idea (probably send a PM to me on the forums?).

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jonah.kang
Skype: cosmosgp1 (username. not real name)
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Re: I need to rage.

Post by Bob1337 »

Can you stop spamming the forums with this shit? It is your problem. We don't care. I'm pretty sure this is your 3rd or 4th thread about it. PM Ant.
Please dont ask me how to script.
Instead, click this.
Btw; I'm an asshole to idiots.
Bob1337 wrote:Explosive buddha killers. That shit is gay.
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Re: I need to rage.

Post by cosmosgp1 »

Bob1337 wrote:Can you stop spamming the forums with this shit? It is your problem. We don't care. I'm pretty sure this is your 3rd or 4th thread about it. PM Ant.
Yeah. I'll stop. It's taken care of anyways... for now...
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