cosmosgp1 is bad

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cosmosgp1 is bad

Post by Xseba360 »

he is so rude. i gave him mushroom soup he killed me called an asshole and took my shit pls ban him
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Re: cosmosgp1 is bad

Post by Nicdel »

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Re: cosmosgp1 is bad

Post by Xseba360 »

Nicdel wrote:proof?
dun have... well if the chat is logged i have.
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Re: cosmosgp1 is bad

Post by Jack »

maybe he got hacked?
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Re: cosmosgp1 is bad

Post by shadowslayer »

unless hacking or griefing was involved in the kill this is to be solved amongst the players, but given his base personality and the degree of his actions he coudlve been hacked.[well, mabye ant should pull the chatlogs in case]
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Re: cosmosgp1 is bad

Post by cosmosgp1 »

Please tell me when I killed you. Then i can tell if I did or not. i first have to say that my account was hacked multiple times even if i kept changing my password. I know who the hackers were (android777 and gabrielkim123). BTW, i really never seen you on the server because of the time change. the only times i went on the server was when i made some pixel art.

EDIT: I actually never killed you. The last time I saw you in person was in the town, Egypt.

EDIT 2: Fri Nov 11, 2011. By the look of the date, I actually never went on the server except to give android777 a pumpkin because he was being annoying as fuck on Skype. After that, I made a Megaman art with wool and then disconnected. I never went back on.

EDIT 3: I realized that it was a hacker. I'm sorry but I don't have your stuff Seba. Most of my items (except some useless ones) are missing. I can't find them anywhere.

EDIT 4: Ant restored my town, etc. I got your stuff back. I gave them to Ant and he said he would give it to you.
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