People reported in this video:
M40a3 x Xx_Gold
(ØČĐ)™ return2sender
[GR] Red bull
[GR]do ta barrelroll XD
Code: Select all
:: Random Banning ::
To listen to music, type: !music or !stopmusic to stop listening.
ProjektZ : no his voice is deeper than urs
diablo8769 suicided.
-[DR]- diablo8769 has failed!
[SM] Jakester wants to rock the vote. (4 votes, 9 required)
Jakester : rtv
jasonchinx : i dont have grenades
ProjektZ : someone just go
*SPEC* Cheesepie9621 : how Do i join a team?!
[SM] jasonchinx wants to rock the vote. (5 votes, 9 required)
jasonchinx : rtv
rayan793 suicided.
-[DR]- rayan793 has failed!
Jakester suicided.
-[DR]- Jakester has failed!
M40a3 x Xx_Gold suicided.
-[DR]- M40a3 x Xx_Gold has failed!
To disable/enable chat sounds, type: !sounds_off or !sounds_on.
(ØČĐ)™ return2sender suicided.
-[DR]- (ØČĐ)™ return2sender has failed!
[GR] ScatMan - Ayser suicided.
-[DR]- [GR] ScatMan - Ayser has failed!
*SPEC* M40a3 x Xx_Gold : !ban scatman
*SPEC* M40a3 x Xx_Gold : !ban aaron
Aaron suicided.
-[DR]- Aaron has failed!
*SPEC* M40a3 x Xx_Gold : !ban do ta
*SPEC* Jakester : voteban
[GR]do ta barrelroll XD : !voteban
Jakester voted to ban M40a3 x Xx_Gold
Votes required 1/10
ProjektZ : lol
*SPEC* Cheesepie9621 : join rebel
*SPEC* [GR] ScatMan - Ayser : voteban
[GR]do ta barrelroll XD : voteban
*SPEC* (ØČĐ)™ return2sender : voteban
[GR]do ta barrelroll XD voted to ban M40a3 x Xx_Gold
Votes required 2/10
(ØČĐ)™ return2sender voted to ban M40a3 x Xx_Gold
Votes required 3/10
[GR] ScatMan - Ayser voted to ban M40a3 x Xx_Gold
Votes required 4/10
jasonchinx suicided.
-[DR]- jasonchinx has failed!
jasonchinx : ow lol
*SPEC* Aaron : voteban
ProjektZ : lol
Wavey Gravy : voteban
0nLy.Pl suicided.
-[DR]- 0nLy.Pl has failed!
Type rtv in chat to start a vote to change the map.
Wavey Gravy voted to ban M40a3 x Xx_Gold
Votes required 5/10
Aaron voted to ban (ØČĐ)™ return2sender
Votes required 1/10
*SPEC* jasonchinx : meh
*SPEC* (ØČĐ)™ return2sender : voteban
*SPEC* jasonchinx : voteban
jasonchinx voted to ban M40a3 x Xx_Gold
Votes required 6/10
(ØČĐ)™ return2sender voted to ban Aaron
Votes required 1/10
Type nominate in chat to add a map to the next rtv vote.
[GR] ScatMan - Ayser : voteban
[GR] ScatMan - Ayser voted to ban (ØČĐ)™ return2sender
Votes required 2/10
*SPEC* jasonchinx : voteban
jasonchinx voted to ban (ØČĐ)™ return2sender
Votes required 3/10
(ØČĐ)™ return2sender voted to ban [GR] ScatMan - Ayser
Votes required 1/10
ProjektZ : give us this one for free please?
*SPEC* (ØČĐ)™ return2sender : voteban
*SPEC* (ØČĐ)™ return2sender : voteban
Server Chat Commands: !admins, !stats, !rules, votekick, voteban, votemute.
(ØČĐ)™ return2sender voted to ban jasonchinx
Votes required 1/10
[GR]do ta barrelroll XD suicided.