Forum rules
- Be sure to read the "Unban Request Form" topic before posting.
- Do not spam here! Guest posts will only be visible after an admin approves them!
If your name is listed on the Cheat/Build Perm-Ban List or Deathrun Perm-Ban List, and you would like to create a unban request, copy the following code and paste it HERE. ***PUT UR TEXT AFTER THE [/b]***
[b][u]In-game name[/u]:[/b]
[b][u]Admin that banned you[/u]:[/b]
[b][u]Reason given[/u]:[/b]
[b][u]Why you should be unbanned[/u]:[/b]
***The first 4 items in the above code can be found on the Perm-Ban List links above***
EXAMPLE (what it should look like after you post): In-game name: IGotBanned SteamID: STEAM_0:0:00000000 Admin that banned you: Server Owner Reason given: Prop Spam Why you should be unbanned: <Write your reason here>