Forum rules
- This is to apply for basic admin on the Deathrun Server.
- Make sure you have fully read the "[MUST READ] Admin Requirements" post first, before applying for admin.
No_Escape wrote:Yes, because he is a great player, he can bhop good he has very good skills, and he dosen't abuse power over other people
and he respects everyone even if that person does not respect him. I vote YES on Megusta"s admin application.
I don't know why you will be admin :O
You're reason is totally bullshit... only because skills. it hurts alot if I always read resons like this.
I can't realy descripe Dendrow... he seems to be a calm player for me but I don't know him so much so let's see in-Game
No_Escape wrote:Yes, because he is a great player, he can bhop good he has very good skills, and he dosen't abuse power over other people
and he respects everyone even if that person does not respect him. I vote YES on Megusta"s admin application.
I don't know why you will be admin :O
You're reason is totally bullshit... only because skills. it hurts alot if I always read resons like this.
I can't realy descripe Dendrow... he seems to be a calm player for me but I don't know him so much so let's see in-Game
-He glitches alot.
-He sometimes do not play deathrun as combine, only bhopping.
-He is disrespectful as shit and don't listen to admins (Ex : Press buttons, Dendrow ! Him : My vel is about to be 720, lemme train a lil bit more, idc), and he's really rude to some players.#
I dont glitch at all, i do play combine and ive never said that i need to train i dont bhop as a combine and you know that fury.
I vote yes for you dendrow. That's actually how rex spells, yeah he sucks at spelling but hey it's whatever works for him best.And as far as I know his keyboard is just fine. Myback dont be a dick, maybe you should fix your additude or get the fuck off.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness;only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate;only love can do that.