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by JoshN0S » Fri May 20, 2011 8:35 pm
Code: Select all
class IEntityInfo
virtual const char *GetClassName() = 0;
virtual const QAngle& GetAbsAngles() const = 0;
virtual const QAngle& GetLocalAngles() const = 0;
virtual const Vector& GetAbsOrigin() const = 0;
virtual const Vector& GetLocalOrigin() const = 0;
virtual const Vector& GetAbsVelocity() const = 0;
virtual const Vector& GetLocalVelocity() const = 0;
virtual const QAngle& GetLocalAngularVelocity() const = 0;
// add more useful stuff
class IEntityInfoManager
virtual IEntityInfo *GetEntityInfo( edict_t *pEdict ) = 0;
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Posts: 588 Joined: Mon Jul 05, 2010 8:51 pm
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by Blake » Fri May 20, 2011 9:11 pm
It looks like you took it right from source code... ;/
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