How did the hister burn his tongue?
He drank coffee before it was cool
What do politicians and sperm have in common?
About 1 in every 500 or 600 million have a chance of becoming a human
What do you call a pencil without lead?
What's brown and sticky?
What side of a chicken has more feathers?
What's ET short for?
So he can fit on a spaceship
When I found out my toaster wasn't waterproof I was shocked.
Boy: Is god a man or a woman?
Father: God is both.
Boy: Is god black or white?
Father: God is both.
Boy: Is god Michael Jackson?
Why do ducks have webbed feet?
To stomp out fires.
Why do elephants have flat feet?
To stomp out the burning ducks.
100% stolen? yes, here's the two videos I used :p