There's so much shit here that on most of the forums u get banned for (not always permanently, but you do). And most obvious thing is the fact that we lack proper forum moderators...
So here is a little list of things Ant should do:
Make some forum moderators, they shouldn't be equal to EVERY admin on both servers.
They will have to:
Prevent doubleposts (Merge 2 or more posts in a row by the same author.
Prevent digging out old threads
Correct grammar c:
Move threads if posted in wrong place
Prevent off-topic. Off-topic posts split to a new thread with proper title.
Should be able to give warns, specified number of warns results in a ban pending. If ban or not, and for how long, Ant decides(or Nick...).
Moderators have their own subfourm, just like server admins(Moderator Only Area)
'Trash' subforum. This Is where all the deleted posts go.
Xseba360 wrote:There's so much shit here that on most of the forums u get banned for (not always permanently, but you do). And most obvious thing is the fact that we lack proper forum moderators...
So here is a little list of things Ant should do:
Make some forum moderators, they shouldn't be equal to EVERY admin on both servers.
They will have to:
Prevent doubleposts (Merge 2 or more posts in a row by the same author.
Prevent digging out old threads
Correct grammar c:
Move threads if posted in wrong place
Prevent off-topic. Off-topic posts split to a new thread with proper title.
Should be able to give warns, specified number of warns results in a ban pending. If ban or not, and for how long, Ant decides(or Nick...).
Moderators have their own subfourm, just like server admins(Moderator Only Area)
'Trash' subforum. This Is where all the deleted posts go.
I don't think Ant will accept, because if shit happens, well...
But it can be a good idea.
ant_8490 wrote:Banning for double posts, bad grammar, or posting to older topics??? If this is what moderators would do, then I dont want them.
I personally read though every new post and i have no problem with keeping up with that, so there is no benefit to me by adding mods on here.
If I was a moderator, I don't see why I would ban for double posts, bad grammar, deeping old topics.
Ok maybe bad grammar is too much, but look at most of the forums on the internet. Digging out old threads and double posts might annoy someone. And I didn't say 'he just joined, he made some offtopic doubleposts in some old threads. Ban' what I meant was WARN, not ban for everything..