Well, It kinda was given to me once Kalrathia took it over,to go over Sunville did start the war first as they did attack us first, Thus leading to Ana Herself leaveing becuse we retaliated, makeing her lose most of her good items, also from the stress she said.John Freeman wrote:In the defense of my own prestige, you dear sir is totally wrong !MLGPro wrote:In the defense of Kalrathia, John Freeman is intellectually deficient and ad hominem is infallible.
Kalrathia and his fool stump, TheUndeadHorde, are enforcing communism but I didn't saw yet where is commuism in their base...Tough I have a little doubt on the udnead horde, as it seems to be more human than Kalrathia was.From what I've seen the old city of K is only a purulent canker placed in the middle of nowhere.They muffled Sunville, and so on some other factions that i don't even know the name anymore...
In my opinion, Demon, by betraying Kalrathia, kinda saved the server from his slaughters.
TheUndeadHorde, tough, seems to be better than Kalrathia and I would happily take an act in the rebuilding of their new capital, Sunville.
I don't really see what we did wrong with Sunville, We retaliated, most of them stoped playing, they went peaceful thus Unrussled from Kalrathia till the point they were make into a peacezone, Witch allowed them to be raidable, I never took part in the raid, Then after some while Ant Removed the peacezone, Thus I claimed it and took the city myself, mostly planning to reclaim it and rebuild it, Move my home as people keep raiding my house at Kalrathia And try to build some of the things I wanted to build in my own area, I also found a list of Buildings Ana was going to build in the town square, So I was going to build those too