There seems to be a problem.
It looks like the dr plugin does not like the map at all. There's a 15 fps lock and we're still trying to investigate the issue as to why it happens. It works just fine without it. Ant is thinking/testing and I'm gonna work on the map and see if anything in the map is causing the dr plugin to drain the fps.
Update: I've compiled different versions to troubleshoot that problem, I'm gonna be waiting for Ant to be online.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Update 2: It seems Ant has narrowed down the issue. The problem is most likely caused by sounds, so I tried to fix it by reducing the amount of ambient_generics in the map.
On the way to updating the map, I also added some additional detail to the sewers section as it was extremely under detailed.
See here:
I am kidding of course. I just added some additional detail to make things look less repetitive and more attractive and realistic.